Shipping Charges:Rs.100/-

To provide a smooth and enjoyable online shopping experience, we believe all store policies need to be clear, fair and transparent. Take a look below to learn more about ours, and reach out with questions.

We endeavour to deliver all orders within 7 days of receipt of the order. There may, however, be anomalies in delivery times but we will endeavour to keep these to a minimum. . The merchandise may not be restocked once sold out. No information regarding the presence of any product in our stock will be guaranteed and we will alert you only when an item is sold out.

Shipping charges: Rs.100/-.All deliveries require the named person’s signature, so please ensure you are available at your selected delivery address to take delivery of the purchased products.

We reserve the right to cancel your order due to issues arising out of inventory or other internal issues or issues such as strikes, interstate regulations, delivery outrage etc. We will inform you of the cancellation of your order and will offer you a refund.

We currently ship products to customers located in India.

Return, exchange and cancelation

Our returns and exchange policy is subject to goods sold by Irida Naturals Private Limited directly to you, with no exceptions for third party sales. All policy changes will reflect on this page.

Exchanged / returns and refunds are subject to the discretion of the Website Provider. Typically, given the nature of the products sold on the Site, exchanges and refunds are not entertained.

An exchange/return request should be raised via email quoting order number along with a photograph of the product to Please note that returned/exchanged goods (where a return / exchange is accepted by us) should retain the original label. Goods that are damaged/without labels will be returned to the customer without any refund.

For more details regarding exchange/return/refund please contact

For further information please write us at